The role of women in the wine sector

Viticulture, a centuries-old art and science, has developed thanks to the hard work and dedication of many hands, including the skilled hands of women. From ancient times to modern times, women have played a crucial role in this sector, challenging the norms and contributing significantly to its evolution.

Changing roles in the history of viticulture

The history of viticulture is woven with the tireless efforts of women who, despite social constraints, have worked in the vineyards. Since ancient times, their hands have tended the vines, harvesting the fruits of their labour with grace and determination.

In today’s society, we are witnessing a transformation of gender roles, which has allowed women in viticulture to break down stereotypes and take on more diverse roles. This evolution has enriched the industry by providing unique perspectives and a more equitable workforce.

Women’s role in decision making
Women in viticulture not only work in the fields; they also play a crucial role in decision-making. From operational to strategic decisions, their influence has become increasingly evident, although not without challenges and obstacles.


There are many women who work every day to break stereotypes and to work in wineries as leaders and owners, such as:


  • Amparo Repiso Vallejo: Amparo is the founder and owner of Bodega Sarmentero. Her dream has always been to found a winery, which she achieved in 2004, after completing several courses and degrees in Viticulture and Oenology at the European University Miguel de Cervantes and at the Santa Espina Agricultural Training School. Amparo is undoubtedly a great example of struggle and hard work.


  • María Ascensión Repiso: A native of Pesquera de Duero, she wanted to pass on the wine culture she grew up with. She belongs to an intermediate generation between artisanal methods and new winemaking techniques. Executive of Bodega Ascensión Repiso Bocos, founded in 2002.


  • Clara Verheij: Born in the Netherlands, she is the owner and founder of Bodega Bentomiz. She decided to found the bodega on the slopes of the Axarquia in Malaga overlooking the Mediterranean. Clara has always had in mind to offer the best products, having a balance with nature, respecting the traditions. In her bodega they not only offer wine, but also have a restaurant with the best quality products of the area.

Success stories of women winemakers

Behind every bottle of wine is a story, and many of those stories are created by exceptional women winemakers. Their achievements and contributions are sources of inspiration for future generations. We echo La Vanguardia’s article on 7 wines made by women.

Support and collaboration between women in viticulture

Solidarity among women in viticulture is a vital element for sustainable growth. Collaborating and supporting each other not only strengthens individuals, but also enriches the wine community as a whole.

Women in viticulture play a leading role in promoting sustainable practices and social responsibility. Their commitment to environmental preservation and positive impact on local communities is worthy of recognition.

Although progress has been made, there is still a long way to go to achieve true gender equality in viticulture. It is essential to address persistent challenges and work towards an inclusive environment for all.

It is essential to recognise and celebrate the achievements of women in viticulture.


in conclusion, the role of women in viticulture is undeniably vital. From historical roots to modern innovations, women have played a crucial role in the evolution of this sector. Recognising, supporting and empowering women winemakers is not only an act of justice, but also an investment in a sustainable and equitable future for viticulture.

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